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When you don’t know where your next client will come from it can feel like working for yourself is a huge mistake and that you should go back to an employed role. When I started my business I went to every networking meeting desperately hoping there would be someone needing HR services (rarely happened) and I posted endlessly on social media about my services.  I did get clients and projects but it was an exhausting struggle and I needed to find a better way or quickly burn out.

The one thing that started to turn things around for me was realising that the problem wasn’t what I was selling but that I didn’t have a network of potential clients to sell to.  I was looking at the whole world as my potential buyers but 99.999% of people were never going to be interested – they weren’t employers or managers or business owners and they weren’t ever going to experience the problems my services could help to solve.

So instead of focusing on selling my services I concentrated on doing things every day, every week to be seen and known by the people in my target market.  My rationale was that if they all knew about me and my services then that would include the people who actually needed those services.

It has made my marketing much easier and much more effective – I am still scratching the surface of all of the people in that category but I get regular enquiries and when I am looking to sign up new clients I know exactly who to talk to.

Do the people in your target market know about you and your business? And if not how can you change that?