by Tracey | Feb 25, 2025 | Sales
The thing about setting prices is that we think we are being paid for our time but that’s not actually the case. Our clients are paying us for an outcome – not the time that it takes us to deliver that outcome. By charging by the day or the hour we are actually...
by Tracey | Feb 18, 2025 | Marketing, Sales
I recently had a lovely catch up with a Consultant I first worked with almost 10 years ago – let’s call her Diane. When I first met Diane she was very new to Consultancy work and did not really have a particular focus to her services. She was enjoying working...
by Tracey | Feb 14, 2025 | Marketing, Sales
When you don’t know where your next client will come from it can feel like working for yourself is a huge mistake and that you should go back to an employed role. When I started my business I went to every networking meeting desperately hoping there would be...
by Tracey | Aug 4, 2021 | Uncategorised
What financial outlays should you be prepared for as you get this Business of yours up and running? 20 years ago, the costs associated with starting a business were huge and it was something that we could only really consider if we had an independent source of funding...
by Tracey | Jun 20, 2021 | Sales, Uncategorised
Somewhere along the way we seemed to get the idea that Sales is a dirty word and that Selling is a necessary evil that we would love to be able to avoid altogether if we could just figure out how to have a successful business without it! If I had a pound for every HR...
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